Samhain, una palabra gaélica que se pronuncia "sow-win", es la división de la mitad más clara del verano en la mitad más oscura del invierno. Los aromas de manzana fresca, pera y hojas verdes nos recuerdan la transición estacional que se avecina. Adornado con anís estrellado y clavo; Samhain lo llevará de regreso al antiguo ritual celta de recolectar una abundante cosecha mientras se dejaba quemar el fuego dentro del hogar.
The quality and detail of these candles always leave me in awe. The scent on this one… I’m hooked. Wish this was available all year round!
Love it!!
I love the smell and this is coming from someone who doesn’t like very many scented things so it’s saying a lot!!
Kellene K.
One of my favorites!
I love this scent as it reminds me of the fall and winter season! I love strong smelling candles and this is perfect!!
Lauren W.
The most amazing candles. The scents are so natural, not overpowering while still filling the room. Perfection.
Oh man - this is the best candle
Ok - I could smell this candle even before I opened the package and I knew it was a winner. Do you like fall Do you like apples and pears and cozy fall leaves If so, get this candle. You won't be sorry!
Ok - I could smell this candle even before I opened the package and I knew it was a winner. Do you like fall? Do you like apples and pears and cozy fall leaves? If so, get this candle. You won't be sorry!